Our Mission


The mission of The Retina Foundation of Canada is to cure retinal disease and preserve vision.

The mission of The Retina Foundation of Canada is to cure retinal disease and preserve vision.

The goals of the Foundation are:


  • To improve patient care
  • To ensure the availability of qualified specialists
  • To promote on-going education and opportunities for exchange among professionals
  • To promote research
  • To promote public awareness and early detection of retinal diseases

The Gift of Vision

Most of us take our vision for granted.

Most of us take our vision for granted. Rarely do we think about how much we rely on our eyesight for almost everything we do. It is only when we suffer loss that we appreciate the vitally important sense of sight. Unfortunately, there are a host of problems that can affect our eyes. Age, disease and accidents can rob us of our vision.
There are treatment options today that did not exist in the past. Research is creating new and better ways to preserve vision. Patient care has advanced and can continue to help preserve vision.
The Retina Foundation of Canada was founded with the mission to cure retinal disease and preserve vision. The Foundation is focused on ensuring that the clinical needs of patients are being met. We need your help. A donation will help ensure that we can continue to provide the necessary training, on-going education, and technology, and that vital research can continue.
Please give the gift of vision.
Thank you.
Your donations are critical to our success!
Your gift helps us to build a brighter future.
To make a contribution by mail:
Fill out our donation form which you can return to us by mail accompanied by a cheque payable to
Retina Foundation of Canada.
Tax receipts will be issued for all gifts of $10 or more.
Retina Foundation of Canada
4120 rue Ste-Catherine Bureau 100
Westmount QC H3Z 1P4
Registration Number: 853965416RR0001