Our Mission

The mission of The Retina Foundation of Canada is to cure retinal disease and preserve vision.
The goals of the Foundation are:

  • To improve patient care
  • To ensure the availability of qualified specialists
  • To promote on-going education and opportunities for exchange amongst professionals
  • To promote scientific research
  • To promote public awareness and early detection of retinal diseases

The Objectives of the Foundation are:

  • To provide information to retinal patients.
  • To promote and facilitate the purchase and implementation of state of the art technology
  • To promote the use of telemedicine to better serve remote areas
  • To help eliminate obstacles to care
  • To fund fellowships to attract more retinal specialists
  • To promote conferences of retinal specialists
  • To fund clinical research projects
  • To promote research into retinal diseases and treatments
  • To create a web site for public awareness of retina disease and to enhance web based communication
  • To produce and distribute informational material for display at the offices of family physicians, optometrists, opticians and others
  • To promote public events for increased awareness and for fund-raising
  • To develop a media and government communication strategy